Everyone will have their own idol. The same goes for me. My parents are my inspiration and I made the prophet Muhammad as an idol in me. Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet sent by God to lead his followers to the truth, and to the right path. Prophet Muhammad has certain privileges which, the Prophet Muhammad s. a. w. is the first man created by God Almighty, when Adam was in a state of soul and his body. In addition, God has decided that all the prophets from Adam till Jesus bound by the promise that they will believe and defend or assist the Prophet s. a. w.
At the time of his birth s. a. w. His mother saw the light flashing light on the grand palaces of Syria. When he was 12 years old, while he was walking in the middle of blazing hot sun, there are cumulus that cover him and never happened when he saw the progress and to take shelter under a tree, the tree is moving closer to him. When he was a child, when he was playing, the angel which is Jibrail came to slit his chest and his heart pure. In addition, Muhammad s.a.w can see something behind it clearly as if he had seen from the front.
Meanwhile, at night the darkness, Muhammad s. a. w. can see a clear and bright as if like he was viewing them on the day. His saliva s. a. w. can make a salty sea water into fresh. He only sleep with their eyes, while his heart still is not sleeping and his s. a. w. never evaporate.
As men! Muhammad s.a.w. we must remember and love our Prophet, as we saw with an appreciation of the fact, or in other words it should be appreciated by all those who believe all the time, not only at certain times or certain seasons like he's remembering only in the month of Rabi 'al-Awal this time. At most only a commemoration of Prophet s.a.w. in the months Maulid is more specific because of his most famous person in history who was born on Monday 12 Rabi Awal of the elephant. In the human condition and environment are being washed away and lost in the mainstream of Ignorance, people who are already in hell fire, when people kill each other, at times people forget the real God to worship idols, do not recognize the fact that the religion brought by previous prophets and deviated from the true teachings.
In the midst of this situation, the radiation and light-born Muslims carried by the messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad's The sacred teachings were brought by a messenger of God chosen, it all comes from Allah swt and his inspirations which aims to encourage people to save their worship to God alone, and keep away from the false teachings and wrong.
At the time of his birth s. a. w. His mother saw the light flashing light on the grand palaces of Syria. When he was 12 years old, while he was walking in the middle of blazing hot sun, there are cumulus that cover him and never happened when he saw the progress and to take shelter under a tree, the tree is moving closer to him. When he was a child, when he was playing, the angel which is Jibrail came to slit his chest and his heart pure. In addition, Muhammad s.a.w can see something behind it clearly as if he had seen from the front.
Meanwhile, at night the darkness, Muhammad s. a. w. can see a clear and bright as if like he was viewing them on the day. His saliva s. a. w. can make a salty sea water into fresh. He only sleep with their eyes, while his heart still is not sleeping and his s. a. w. never evaporate.
As men! Muhammad s.a.w. we must remember and love our Prophet, as we saw with an appreciation of the fact, or in other words it should be appreciated by all those who believe all the time, not only at certain times or certain seasons like he's remembering only in the month of Rabi 'al-Awal this time. At most only a commemoration of Prophet s.a.w. in the months Maulid is more specific because of his most famous person in history who was born on Monday 12 Rabi Awal of the elephant. In the human condition and environment are being washed away and lost in the mainstream of Ignorance, people who are already in hell fire, when people kill each other, at times people forget the real God to worship idols, do not recognize the fact that the religion brought by previous prophets and deviated from the true teachings.
In the midst of this situation, the radiation and light-born Muslims carried by the messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad's The sacred teachings were brought by a messenger of God chosen, it all comes from Allah swt and his inspirations which aims to encourage people to save their worship to God alone, and keep away from the false teachings and wrong.